This webinar is a follow up to our successful Global 25th Anniversary of Mother-Father Deaf Day Celebration-April 25, 2021. We felt the need to continue our conversation about family well-being and our diverse Coda, Deaf and Hearing multilingual journeys. Our heartwarming takeaway led us to have this conversation to explore and celebrate our diverse identities together. As a result, we have invited Ms. Sheila Jacobs a licensed Family Therapist, to have a sit down conversation via Zoom. Let’s have that conversation. Everyone is welcome!
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Sheila Jacobs will be joined by Nancy Rourke, her name sign is N3 which stands for Nancy and the primary colors red-yellow-blue, art style that she use in paintings.
She was born Deaf to hearing parents and found out later at the age six. She grew up oral and learned American Sign Language in College. She an enrolled member of Mesa Grande Band of Mission Indians from Kumeyaay Nation in San Diego, California. She has a Master of Fine Arts from RIT/NTID, graduated in 1986. She has been a professional artist for over 30 years, worked in Trauma Art Therapy in Deaf schools and programs since 2012. She is currently illustrating children's books. She resides in Colorado.